New: ``Tactical Blue`` Speed Sights
More than just a good looking color. The unique color of our “Tactical Blue” Speed Sights add another visual element to your sight picture. They add even more “pop” to the already bright front and rear aiming Diamonds. They catch your eye as you begin your presentation and draw your focus to your sights.
Blue Speed Sights are currently “Sold Out”! Please check this page for when they are back in stock, or send your requests to:
To select Blue Speed Sights, write “Blue Speed Sights” in the Comments text box that will appear during the check out process on the standard Glock order page.

Why Choose Speed Sights?
See better…shoot better
With a sight picture this precise,
how can you miss?

No matter what your current skill level, Speed Sights can bring you closer to really “shooting your best”.
Our 3 diamond “point to point” system offers a razor sharp, instinctive pattern that locks together instantly

Premium Quality Night Sights
Our tritium lamps are freshly installed by Trijicon* corporation, the leading supplier of tritium weapons sights.

High Visibility Weapon Sights
Advanced Design and Engineering is an American company created by shooters like you. Our products are inspired by our desire to shoot our best and give the same kind of service we appreciate when we shop for firearm products. Our premium weapons sights are manufactured and assembled in the USA and are backed by a no questions asked warranty.
- Concealed Carry
- Competition
- Law Enforcement
- Military
- Self Defence
- Target Shooters

Combat Proven
“They really stand out during that transitional time when it’s too dark to see your sights clearly but it’s too light to really see the tritium, or when going suddenly from a bright environment into a much darker one when the eyes must adjust. These sights…might very well be the future of combative handgun sights”